Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A little poem about Maths

What is 98%?
Missing 2% constitutes imperfection
A regret, a remorse, a dissatisfaction
That close, but not yet close
Perfection is an idea to drown us
Imperfection is a way to save us
A mathematics choice for Adam and Eve

Tadao Ando

A quote from him

Architecture is deemed complete only upon the intervention of the human that expereinces it. In other words, architectural space becomes alive only in correspondence with the human who perceives it, link by living things, plants, waters, flowers, people

Movie: painted veil

It is a film discussing what love is.
To the Professor/ doctor, To the nuns, To the not so dutiful wife.....

A bit old in theme & presentation but questions raised worth our attention.

Love is passion?
Love is duty?
Love is lust?
Love is a repsonse to human kindness?

Or ideal love is a mix of duty and love? What will remain if no love for one self/no love for others? What will remain if no duty to oneself/to others?

What will happen if one comes after another?love first, then duty; or duty first, then love.

No one will be identical in the world. How can we embrace differences and still be able to love?

To see my little sister being pregant and giving birth to a baby girl. I have more ideas why the little boy in the movie ending means sth. Love will fade. Life is short. Flower will die. But duty and love express themselves in the love towards our offsprings. I guess my sister will understand this. To her daughter, there is not only duty but also love. A re-visit of love. And that makes life important. Right, my little sister?

Monday, April 23, 2007


niece 2 months now


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

chance to write

God has given me many chances to write. In the last 5 days, I have written 3 pieces of writing - a little story, a film review(on blog) and a book review (to christian times). And my friend Jeffrey asked me if I want to write character feature in newspaper. What a chance!!!
Thank God, lately he gives me many inspirations. Without inspirations, I cannot write anything. If writing is a way to serve God, I will continue writing. To enjoy the beauty of creation (writing is a form of creation) and share that with those who read.

Monday, April 16, 2007


今天約了我的英華mentee和她的同學見面,在cafe habitu跟她們談如何閱讀故事(免費英國文學補習),舉了很多例子,包括了以下這套國內賀歲片:落葉歸根,這是一套破格的'死人'賀歲片,落葉歸根的下句,正是入土為安,在賀年期間上映,是百份百行為上的黑色幽默.為回應這不按常規出章的做法,我決定從操故業談電影.



Wednesday, April 11, 2007


I watched a TV program last night about how coffee cherry becomes coffee bean. it is the first time I know where coffee bean comes from though I am a coffee lover

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Cheung Chau famous fish ball

My cousin Pansy moved to Cheung Chau and invited relatives to have bbq during easter holidays. She had a very nice flat there overlooking the sea (little boats around). More importantly, she surprised us with Cheung Chau famous fish ball from Kam Wing Tai. She bought them for hotpot & BBQ. Really great. Thanks again Pansy & Ah Tak for your hospitality!!!!

Monday, April 09, 2007

tea & tea pot


The music is really beautiful. It gave me a very relaxing afternoon.

Tao Tao prenium soy sauce & XO sauce rice cake

Sunday, April 08, 2007

San Dianelle boneless ham on top of spinach, portobello risotto

Watched 2VCDs

Bought more VCDs & DVD & Books to kill time
Watched 'Happy Birthday' & 'A scene at sea"
A scene at the sea: sensational movies, powerful music, lots of details have been conveyed by music & sounds & images, bought long time ago. Finally watched it as being triggered by reading a friend's blog
Happy Birthday: very sweet but sad love story. blessing & regret largely caused by the female protagonist's stubbornness & insecurity. Rene Liu is of my generation. I know the feeling behind her script beacuse I am stubborn too.

Long lunch buffet

One bar exchange square $150 per person with fresh sashimi from 12:00 to 5:30p.m. Sat only I think

Monday, April 02, 2007

10th Anniversary Scout Trail Walk/Anti Cancer Society Walk

walked 7 hours, reached the unreachable

Renee Fleming

If she is that famous,
she could have sung better.
She was completely technical & 'functional'

More touched by Les Choristes (ticket $100) than by Renee Fleming (ticket $400).
Song must be sung by heart.

Les Choristes in concert

Heavenly voice Les Choristes from Lyon :), a pleasurable evening. The pianist captured our souls

Local choir :(

Agnes b cafe at Causeway Bay

Expensive, could only afford two courses
nice bread, mussels too small