Saturday, June 29, 2013


I love certain brands and their corporate cultures: Dove, Swatch, Agnes B, loveramics, 3 M,Franc franc. Today I would like to add one more IDEO
Http:// It advocates empathy building culture. The d school Stanford that David Kelly set up is really cool! 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Personalised japanese food (cooking at home)

Thursday, June 13, 2013


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Blue diamond and Chopin

Just realized that I missed the chance of seeing the legendary blue diamond / hope diamond (or referred as cursed stone) in my last visit to Washington. If I knew it was in natural museum, smithsonian,  I would run there to have a look in the middle of my cherry blossom hunting. What fascinated me about the diamond was how it was reframed in 2010. The man had to listen to Chopin in order to have himself concentrated in handling the precious gem. Actually I never like gems but the knowledge that they had to travel up to earth surface attracted my attention. It is a survival of fittest journey. The gems acquire energy. with this science bits, now I understand the whole thing about scarcity. I am also fascinated by how Pierre Cartier packaged  the blue gem with stories and myths. Before that, French king made The blue diamond a symbol of wealth and class and that creates a market. value is created in the process. To me, it is about a hidden desire of reproductive power.

Monday, June 10, 2013



Saturday, June 08, 2013

It was 2006

我Office 有張大師對象巴黎龐比度中心珍藏展單張,今日竟然在香港藝術館重尋當年特刋,很精美,收藏之,亦欣賞了幾個進行中的展覧,其中館藏一百包括張大千、徐悲鴻及林風眠作品,水墨的意境氣節,見畫者性格風骨,留白與空間運用恰到好處、不多不少,適可而止,中國畫內含差點被我們忘掉了的胸懷和氣度。中西合璧的書畫方法與彼鄰善於抄作的外銷畫,如花心思策展,想必另有一番風味。至於原道展覧,令我印象的是長達29分鐘的新山海經,就人對世界生態的破懷,作了充滿藝術美感的反省。

Saturday, June 01, 2013

