Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Not Monday morning quarterback - the umbrella movement

It is largely peaceful. People can still go to work. Selected areas blocked. And many protesters only join after work as support to others. At this point it is more like a gala. Ultimately HK people want Chief Executive CY Leung to resign and China offering more democracy through universal suffrage. The causes are multiple social problems. Immediate factor is the Occupy Central call. It was ignited by student class boycott as students found Occupy Central people not progressive enough.Things started to get worse when they isolated the protesters inside central govt complex in wanchai. People were worried about the ‘trap’. The crowd gathered outnumbered the police. People now call it umbrella movement/revolution because people only hold umbrellas to counter police’s tear gas. Over the top violence was used as police lost their judgment. As a HongKonger, we surprised ourselves the civil/civic attitude. Approaching 1 Oct, time to think possible solutions ending the crisis or achieving something: *If no resignation of current CE, at least give him long long holiday, even better if no pay *Govt gives up strategic govt central complex the power focus, taking the negotiation away from city centre *Assign and reopen public space for public use *Open new channels of grievances *Apart from institutionalizing the local leaders, give carrots for public to submit suggestions and implement them according to their needs and not only for those who are with power and with money *Resignation of exco members *New youth policies *Review police power (leaders), action protocols and the mechanism handling complaints More to think: *How to localize democracy in HK way under China rule?

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Who is irrational? International city Hong Kong!

Hk police said they held up a wrong warning sign that they may shoot! Insane! How could they make a mistake like that. Hospitals are ready . things will get worse but people will remember as witnesses to unnecessary violence!

Condemn Hk police using tear smoke!

They are peaceful civilians. No tear smoke STOP. We are taxpayers, your salaries are from us!

Occupy in order to forward

I do not totally agree with Occupy central advocates but the rule of law I care. The way how govt handled students boycott was alarming.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


昨天去看了'黃金時代' The Golden Era,喜歡它的细緻有序、鏡頭顏色處理千變萬化。 十年前我也寫過有關蕭紅的文章,今日把書拿出來重讀那部份,與從前的我作點交流,感覺有趣。

Thursday, September 18, 2014


最近facebook流行Tag 10本影響自己的書,借blog位解釋一下: 1.溫柔與暴烈 黃碧雲 有段時間,情緒起伏在兩極之間,近乎沉溺,回想起來,當時在尋找womanhood,女性的醒覺萌芽 2. The Unbearable lightness of being Being存在主義,生命的輕重載著青春的苦澀 3. Philosophical Investigations, Ludwig Wittgenstein 碩士時期,覺得Wittgenstein有型,句子短,可練習閱讀德文;他對'痛'的分折,很獨到。他論文超短,能畢業,勁! 年紀漸長,更明白他所說的沉默 4. 荒源行 余達雲 適合我,讀文學的基督徒,影響了日後寫作方向 5. Labyrinth selected stories and other writings, Jorge Luis Borges 好玄,好喜歡寫作結構背後的美學 6. The Drucker Reader Peter Drucker 工作上有用,管理基本課 7. Th search for meaning Victor Frankl 存在主義嘛!後現代衝擊下的支柱 8. On photography Susan Sontag 影響我攝影態度 9. A Room of one's own 影響我作為女性的寫作角度 10.All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten Robert Fulghum 教Counselling的Professor介紹,very true. 聖經實踐也是一樣,basic matters matter If I can add one more: The Living Reminder Henri Nouwen

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Seaweed soup: bought in Korea and had it yesterday

Friday, September 05, 2014

再看Good Will Hunting
