Saturday, March 22, 2008

Importance of Sleep

In last week's 60 minutes+ episode, a UC berkerley researcher said that sleep deprivation is equal to food deprivation. According to him, from an evolution pt of view, why we have to sleep if we will become so vulnerable when we are asleep.
That implies the importance of sleep.

Other researchers show how lack of quantity and quality sleep will affect our memory, reflexes, emotions and even sex life.
Through a CT scan image, the area in brain that controls emotion is literally 'on fire' if not enough sleep and it ceases to communicate with the brain that controls your logic. Our emotions skip being the counter-checked by my our logical reasoning. We are more likely to do stupid things. Or even lead to psychiatric problems. (this I believe. I had an experience in a psy ward common room, yet don't worry, I was not the patient but a visitor). I overheard people sharing what kicked off their maniac episodes. All of them pointed to the lack of sleep for a period of time. I later dicsussed possible correlation of manic depression and sleep with my friends. So this 60 minutes program gave me more insight on what I previously observed.

Also, people who have been deprived of sleep overestimated their abilities just like drunkers.

Experts' advice: sleep through the night, sleep at least 7.5 to 8 hrs. Doing more does not mean that you are doing them smarter or efficiently.

Friends, sleep well.


Blogger Mrs Chu said...

Vow ! Did you watch this 60minutes show on sleep research too ? I thought I was the only one awake at 2am this morning watching this show (I could not sleep). It talked about exactly what you've said in your blog: Sleep deprivation can do these to you:
(1) Reduce sex drive
(2) increase appetite (by reducing a hormone called leptin). I can certainly remember when I did night shift I was so hungry, I searched every fridge in the hospital wards for scraps.
(3) increase risk of getting diabetes
(4) impair judgement and driving skills
(5) impair memory
Lots of things !

6:08 PM  
Blogger luigigi said...

I watched the programme earlier than you did. Did you remember that I called you about this 60mins episode???

12:14 AM  

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