Virgo but not afraid to try new things
Why I blog? The reason is as follows:
To share with you all the marvellous moments
"Look at the world, everything all around us;
Look at the world and marvel every day"
quoted from John Rutter's song - Look at the world
10月我在香港大學遇上波提切尼的維納斯,令我覺得她被人困在地牢,怪可憐;2月在MGM,我碰到了少年想像世界的女神,導賞的女孩指出了我以前沒看到在少女頭上的珍珠。3月在Asia Society hk見到Caravaggio 作品 super at Emmaus的耶穌;每次一幅畫,如何策展一幅畫,其實不比展覧一大批作品容易,要成功建立一個與當代溝通空間,殊不簡單,亦髙下立見。
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