Virgo but not afraid to try new things
Why I blog? The reason is as follows:
To share with you all the marvellous moments
"Look at the world, everything all around us;
Look at the world and marvel every day"
quoted from John Rutter's song - Look at the world
王家衞對細節拿捏出色,黑白色層次可足作測驗投影機之用,配樂用hifi播足可勾魅,讓演員內在或觀衆對演員的印象投到角色,令一切理所當然。同樣的信物,一代宗師鈕扣比西遊記手環更藏情,藏比露更惹人遐思。周星馳作為導演若是另一路,或可成cult film.引一代宗師一句:念念不忘,必有回響'if you persist, you will be rewarded'.
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