Sunday, June 21, 2009

People to People

In my last entry about people, you can see what they meant to me. However, what did I mean to them, the people that I encountered during the voyage:

1.The lady in the bakery of Gordes never heard about Hong Kong. She had no idea of what Asia is. And now she heard about it and met a person from that place.

2. In the villeneuve maket, the guy who sold sausage has been to HK. After meeting me, it may rekinder his passion for travel or he may suddenly recall episodes that are related to Hong Kong. Hope those are good memories.

3. The person who worked in the farmhouse was once again happy as he told me that there were people complaining the prices of their meals and I did them a fair judgement. THe food was superb and was even under priced.

Would that be interesting if looking from another angle - person to person encounter is such a marvelous thing. Computer is good. I have facebook, blog... But meeting a person in person is a completely different matter. Agree?


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