Virgo but not afraid to try new things
Why I blog? The reason is as follows:
To share with you all the marvellous moments
"Look at the world, everything all around us;
Look at the world and marvel every day"
quoted from John Rutter's song - Look at the world
還坐在輪椅上等康復的1i1ian熱切邀請我到訪新居,更為我花心思張羅一餐家常飯,而lilian媽媽在背後做軍師,在英明領導下,不善廚藝的印傭有高水準表現,咸蛋蒸肉餅恰到好處,甚至超越so far so good.我也從中偷師,打算試試在粟米湯中加芫茜增加食味.楊生嘛!亦努力為我們切新彊哈蜜瓜及泡茶.我在楊家亦首次嘗到南非茶.飲飽食醉後,已在籌算下次再聚,一同試pizza hut新line手作pizza,甚至到會所查經,一路說著,享受著「未出發,先興奮」的滿足.
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