Friday, July 04, 2008


according to 60minutes+,
他們被迫害,他們為信仰的緣故而死. Overthrew a tyrant, comes another, in the name of religion.sad......


Blogger Mrs Chu said...

It is disturbing to learn of these, I thought the last time Christians were fed to wild beasts or became victims of pogroms were during the Roman Empire.
I find that humans are the most dangerous species on Earth because unlike other beasts or mammals, we are very EXclusive and not INclusive. This means we are very good in finding differences from others and using them as excuses for segregating and intimidating members of our own race. This 'Them' versus 'Us' mentality is virulent in all aspects of human culture, ranging from religion, race, social class, gender, affiliations (eg football clubs) and even as simple as fashion.

4:23 PM  

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