I love Panda, not Prada
The first toy I had was a panda soft toy. I was a newborn baby in hospital when 'I' recieved it.
Tonite I watched a TV program about raising Giant Panda.
I was amazed, first by how fluent Chengdu Panda Base staff speak English, secondly the extent of international collaboration including the exchange program between Chengdu Panda Base and Zoo Atlanta, finally how cute Ying Ying is -the 2008 Beijing Olympic star!
Newborn Panda is like a nude mouse, all pink . then gradually you see black eye, black ear and fluffy hair.
My favorite animal as always - Panda!
see the very dirty Panda soft toy on the left of the picture. My mother threw it away when I was 9. I discovered the missing of the Panda when I went back home after school. What a trauma... And this photo is one of my favourite photos.
I love both Panda and Prada, hahahahhaha.
That panda plush toy in your photo....is....kind of dirty... indeed.
This birthday seemed too large for a little girl to handle....(Also, I can see where your one-side eyebrow raising originates from)
Yes, very dirty toy. Like Linus and blanket.
Yes, the one side-eyebrow, very me, that is why I like the photo
yeah... I also love Panda.. ahh watch this live cam of panda.. it's my favorite site... watch it at night ahh~~
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